Among some of the guys I met at Blakesburg earlier in September was Robbie Culver a photographer from Chicago. Robbie sent me these candid pix and said I could use them. Although I was unaware he was taking it, when I stage this type of shot for other guys I call them “Man of Destiny” photos. I think he did a good job with this one.
This other shot is a promo for Panasonic cameras. My new Panasonic HD Camera and the new Miller sticks combine to make up my current image gathering apparatus.
Robbie Culver is also a Cessna 150 and Sky Diving enthusiast. If you want to see some Cool Aviation Photos – particularly of the recent AAA Labor Day Weekend Fly-In at Blakesburg – you should check out his website here:
Blue Skies & Tailwinds!
Brian FitzGerald