Mar 262014

KMKC Airshow

Here are some shots that I don’t think I’ve shared?  Some are of the variety that you may not see every day?



The One and Only BUFF

My eldest son was near BAD AFB (you don’t know what that is?) recently and a B-52 on low approach got his attention.  I’m reminded that I took some

low pass shots of a “BUFF” a while back and may not have shared?

We don’t see these very much anymore…  can’t imagine the fuel costs, with or without sequestration?

‘Majestic’ seems an appropriate description?

By the time he pulled up for this crowd pleasing maneuver, he was close to three fourths of mile away.  This shot could have been just about perfect had he pulled up left and into the sun for that shadow-free climbing shot from the top side?

Check out this link about the B-52’s versatility