That They Might Fly Again
Part 2

That They Might Fly Again - Part 2
"That They 2" Details
"That They Might Fly Again - Part 2 took FitzGerald to Wisconsin, Nebraska, parts of Kansas and back to Iowa to gather interviews and more of that kinetic Art he likes to photograph. This time there are 3 new airplanes and their owners as well as a tour through the Airpower Museum at the Antique Airplane Association headquarters in Blakesburg, Iowa.
Music Videos - The Romance
Again for you lovers of art and music, Brian has captured a great number of these attractive flying machines slipping through the skies and lilting across the grass and set it all to music.
See the entire movie on YouTube at this link: That They Might Fly Again - Part 2 >Total Running Time: 2 hours 33 minutes
Jerry May and his 1937 Rearwin Sportster
1937 Rearwin Details
Jerry May lives outside of Kearny, Nebraska and keeps his immaculate Rearwin at his son Mike's house. The two of them are in business to restore Antique Airplanes and they also build a very interesting helicopter. Both are dedicated aviators and have put hundreds of hours into making this Sportster one of the finest examples of its type in existence.
Here we see Jerry with the shiny Rearwin nestled next to the cornfield next to son Mike's house.See this segment of "That They #2" on YouTube at this link: Jerry May and his 1937 Rearwin Sportster >Total Running Time: 39 minutes 38 seconds
Bill Koelling & his 1938 Airmaster
1938 Airmaster Details
Bill uses the grass next to this long concrete runway because the Airmaster can be tricky on landings. He has restored the interior to the original and even has some instruments that were given to him by Mrs. Wallace.
See this segment of "That They #2" on YouTube at this link:Bill Koelling & his 1938 Airmaster >Total Running Time: 46 minutes 19 seconds
See Bill's Cessna Artifacts in "That They #2" on YouTube at this link:Bill Koelling's Cessna Artifacts >Total Running Time: 3 minutes 17 seconds
Cam Blazer & his 1936 Monocoupe 90A
1936 Monocoupe Details
Cam Blazer pursued a career in the construction business. You can tell he is a craftsman from the attention to detail evident in every part of his Monocoupe. As with many in the sport, Cam has researched the design and the history of the manufacturer in order to arrive at a brilliant rendition of this sleek machine. It sounds and flies as good as it looks.
See this segment of "That They #2" on YouTube at this link: Cam Blazer & his 1936 Monocoupe 90A >Total Running Time: 28 minutes 38 seconds
Cam discusses Aviation in "That They #2" on YouTube at this link: Cam on Aviation >Total Running Time: 11 minutes 0 seconds
Brent Taylor & The Airpower Museum
Interview Details
Founded by Robert Taylor, the AAA is home to an excellent research library and scores of Classic Airplanes on display. A high point every year is their annual fly-in that draws attendees from all over the country and the world. In this segment, Robert's son Brent will take us through the museum.
In the Museum are a variety of artifacts including many antique engines. Here Brent discusses one of their rare holdings, a counter-rotating SIX cylinder, two-stroke motor. (NOTE: most radials have an odd number of cylinders)See this segment of "That They #2" on YouTube at this link: Brent Taylor & The Airpower Museum >Total Running Time: 14 minutes 6 seconds
Classic Airplane Music Videos
Music Video Details
The designers of the Classic Era were influenced by Art Deco. This art movement is the basis for what we call the "Classic" look of this aeronautical era. To capture this kinetic beauty, I have assembled segments of these craft perching on the grass, taxiing over it and flying through the blue to the accompaniment of music.
See "BiPlanes Are My Planes" on YouTube. Although monoplanes have existed since very early in Aviation, most people think of BiPlanes when you mention Classics or Antiques. In keeping with this, Brian has assembled some interesting footage of BiPlanes that was gathered at four different venues in three of our United States. <Total Running Time: 6 minutes 15 seconds
See "A Gathering of Eagles" on YouTube. West of Kansas City is a little burg called Gardner. It has a really nice public airport with T-hangers, an asphalt runway and two grass strips. Every year the field is home to "A Gathering of Eagles". WWI afficianados fly or tow their WWI inspired kitplanes and homebuilt designs to fly and have fun. Included in the mix are a number of re-enactors who dress in WWI garb to enhance the affair. This video is a tribute to that annual convocation. <Total Running Time: 7 minutes 17 seconds
See "Brodhead" on YouTube. Brodhead is a small town in Southern Wisconsin that has an affinity for Classic Airplanes. For many, it is a natural stop after spending a few days at the AAA Fly-in at Blakesburg, Iowa. It is situated in a rural area and many people camp next to their airplanes. <Total Running Time: 9 minutes 30 seconds