Ultralight Flying

The Challenge
"The Challenge" Details
Most importantly this music video is a tribute to the book "Heros in the Dark" by Jack FitzGerald - available on Amazon. A young man's journey out of darkness into The Light! It is also a music video segment from "Flint Hills Fall Fandango", a first person, multi-camera, travelog through The Flint Hills of Kansas by Ultralight narrated by Brian FitzGerald - The Sky Surfer.
Watch The Challenge on YouTube direct from this link: The Challenge - Music Video
Watch The Challenge on Rumble direct from this link: The Challenge - Music Video >Total Running Time: 5 minutes 29 seconds
The Harper Run
"Harper" Details
"The Harper Run" was The Sky Surfer's first multi-cam effort. It takes you along on a ride across some of the most beautiful land on the planet. Starting with a climb through low hanging clouds, the trip includes a serendipidous flight down a winding river, floating over magnificent crops, chasing a train. Just a sample of the many sights you will see. This Sky Safari is also covered "photo-journalistically" in FitzGerald's "Sky Surfing - The Flite Blog™".
Watch The Harper Run on YouTube direct from this link: The Harper Run - Movie
Watch The Harper Run on Rumble direct from this link: The Harper Run - Movie >Total Running Time: 50 minutes 57 seconds
Go to the Flite Blog™ story direct from this link: The Harper Run - Blog
The Flint Hills Fall Fandango
"Fall Fandango" Details
In this POV travelogue, you will glide over and through The Picturesque Flint Hills of Kansas by Ultralight accompanied by the delighful music of Brazil. Narrated by Brian FitzGerald - The Sky Surfer - you will witness the majesty of this area and see some of its wonderful wildlife. Just before landing, The Surfer spies a unique geological feature you won't want to miss!
Watch the movie on YouTube direct from this link: The Flint Hills Fall Fandango
Watch The Flint Hills Fall Fandango on Rumble direct from this link: The Fall Fandango - Movie >Total Running Time: 40 Minutes 36 Seconds
The Search for Mustang Valley
"Mustang" Details
The Sky Surfer had heard a rumor that Wild Horses - Mustangs - were roaming the plains of Kansas and Oklahoma again. Ever in search of adventure, he set out not knowing what he would find. Sit next to him in his trusty Quicksilver MXL as he sets out from Historic Ponca City, Oklahoma in search of these storied steeds.
Watch Mustang Valley on YouTube direct from this link: The Search for Mustang Valley
Watch Mustang Valley on Rumble direct from this link: Mustang Valley - The Movie >Total Running Time: 34 Minutes 46 Seconds
Sun Over Severy
"Severy" Details
"Sun Over Severy" is a 6 camera POV movie featuring Brian FitzGerald flying his Quicksilver MXL over The Flint Hills of Kansas to the small town of Severy, Kansas. This trip is also featured "photo-journalistically" in FitzGerald's "Sky Surfing - The Flite Blog™".
Watch Sun Over Severy on YouTube direct from this link: Sun Over Severy - Movie >Total Running Time: 35 minutes 27 seconds
Watch Sun Over Severy on Rumble direct from this link: Sun Over Severy - Movie
Go to the Flite Blog™ story direct from this link: Sun Over Severy - Blog
Lil Prop - Big Trip
"Lil Prop" Details
"LilProp-BigTrip" is the music video finale to Brian FitzGerald's documentary about Ultralight Flying titled "UFM2" (Ultralight Flying Millennium 2). "Lil Prop" is designed to take you along with The Sky Surfer on a low level, mythical Kansas Flight Adventure. Shot before the arrival of the "GoPro" type cameras, this is a "single cam shoot". Sequences had to be replicated for each camera placement. Great effort was made to place the camera at positions on the airplane to give you a sense of "being there" with The Sky Surfer. Special credit goes to Cameraman Jeff Johnson who shot most of the "ground to air" sequences. In addition to flying the plane and editing the piece, FitzGerald wrote and performed the music under this video.
Watch this movie on YouTube direct from this link: Lil Prop - Big Trip on YouTube
Watch this movie on Rumble direct from this link: Lil Prop - Big Trip on Rumble >Total Running Time: 23 minutes 48 seconds
Autumn Air
"Autumn Air" Details
"Autumn Air" is a motion painting of the entrancing, colorful, autumn Kansas landscape as seen from the eyes of a bird. While Kansas in October is beautiful at "human eye level", there is nothing to compare with the view from 10 feet to 100. The Sky Surfer has always marveled at it since taking to the air but now has the ability to bring it to you on video. You will see beautiful countryside and wildlife.
Watch Autumn Air on YouTube direct from this link: Autumn Air
Watch Autumn Air on Rumble direct from this link: Autumn Air - Movie >Total Running Time: 26 minutes 19 seconds
Magic Time - Final Flight
"Magic Time - Final Flight" Details
Keying off "Hollywood-Speak", The Sky Surfer attempts to mix Fun Flying, a picturesque river, delightful music and countryside and Random Thoughts into a Half Hour Sky Surf-Palooza.
It is another POV. So, prepare to immerse yourself in The Sky Surfer's latest Safari - "Magic Time"!
Go to the movie on The Sky Surfer's YouTube Channel direct from this link: Magic Time - Final Flight
Watch Magic Time - Final Flight on Rumble direct from this link: Magic Time - Movie >Total Running Time: 30 minutes 11 seconds
Sky Boogie
"Sky Boogie" Details
As a tribute to The Fliers Of Old, The Airplanes Of Old and the Ultralights Of New The Sky Surfer wrote a song he thought tied them all together.
It is also another POV. So, check out - "Sky Boogie"!
Watch Sky Boogie on YouTube direct from this link: Sky Boogie - Music Video
Watch Sky Boogie on Rumble direct from this link: Sky Boogie - Music Video >Total Running Time: 5 minutes 28 seconds
The Flint Hills Spring Fandango
"Spring Fandango" Details
"The Spring Fandango" is The Sky Surfer's final POV effort. This Spring Fandango will be the final POV for me. It is the last in a total of eight "Point of View" movies. I hope you have enjoyed these Sky Safaris as much as I have but I’ve pretty much covered the topic and need to move on to something else…
In this second of a two part POV travelogue, you will glide over and through The Picturesque Flint Hills of Kansas by Ultralight - this time in The Spring! Narrated by Brian FitzGerald - The Sky Surfer - as in the Fall Version, you will witness the majesty of this area but this time the features of note are rock formations, grand scenary, ponds and creeks. Again, before landing, The Surfer spies a unique geological feature which this time he covers more fully than in The Fall!
Watch the movie on YouTube direct from this link: The Spring Fandango - Movie
Watch the movie on Rumble direct from this link: The Spring Fandango on Rumble >Total Running Time: 49 minutes 57 seconds